Vocation of the law firm

The European unification, becoming more and more concrete in the different areas of the economic, social and political life, as well as the globalisation process, have led to the creation of a multinational group of lawyers from different bars in different countries, to satisfy the business of companies and the natural persons' requirements.

One of these requirements could be an easy domiciliation on the national territory, placing at one's disposal the attorney who's entitled to practise in this country, and applying the law in which the client has to be protected. Moreover, it would become more easy and practical to communicate with the attorney using the own language, without the need of an interpreter.

This setting certainly implies a remarkable economic advantage for the clients: being the foreign attorney (who has assumed the defence) directly on the national territory or near to the operative firm of the client, the costs of the file management would become lower, and the file updating would become sensitively quicker.

Vens K. Mulosi's law firm receives a synergistic contribute from the union of different law firms of domestic and foreign law, which are composed by a selected network of professionals, who have had a common professional experience in Italy as well as in foreign countries.

The firm engages itself to satisfy the clients exigencies in the reference countries, providing a really useful service, through the professionals qualified in these countries.

11, Boulevard de Sébastopol
F – 75001 PARIS
Tel. +33-1-78767919

Corso Giacomo Matteotti n. 49
I – 10121 TORINO
Tel. +39-011-504310 / 503305
Fax +39-011-19790053

Via Lame, 39
I – 40122 BOLOGNA
Tel. +39-051-4683904
http://www.avvocato-avocat.com - E-Mail: vemulos@avvocato-avocat.com